In the history of God’s people since the creation of the world, it has been observed that whenever God wanted to visit His people, usually there would arise an individual or a group of people who would see the need for a new dedication and total surrender to God as demanded in the Bible (2 Chronicles 7:14). This was the exact thing that happened at the beginning of Christ Apostolic Church.

The Divine Call

Around this time, a young man by the name; Joseph Ayodele Babalola already called of God was doing exploits in Odo-Owa near Ilofa in Kwara State. Joseph Ayodele Babalola was born in the year 1904 to a man called David Rotimi while the name of his mother was Martha Talabi. The parents were both devoted Christians and members of the Church Missionary Society (CMS) at Odo-Owa. According to Babalola’s mother, there were great thunders and lightening from east to west on the day he was born.

Filled with the spirit, his fervent new religious approach captured the attention of everyone as well as the Faith Tabernacle group under the leadership of Pastor Esinsinade in the year 1929. They were happy with his testimonies and the young prophet was admitted into their fold and immersed in water baptism.

The Great Revival of 1930

As at the eve of the 1930 Revival, the Faith Tabernacle movement was almost at the verge of collapse as a result of several things that happened. Some of the Faith Tabernacle members had backslidden into the world, and lost the power of prevailing prayer. Satan had sowed the seed of discord into the midst of their leaders through agitations on a number of religious doctrinal practices such as whether to baptize a polygamist and uphold divine healing or not. Since there was no agreement among the leaders on the practice of the above doctrines and some other issues, the unity of the group was at stake. This led to calling of a peace meeting at Oke-Ooye, Ilesha in July 1930.

Some of the leaders in attendance were Pastors David O. Odubanjo, Isaac B. Akinyele, Joseph Sadare Esinsinade, J.A. Babatope, Onasinwo, Joshua A. Medaiyese, Daniel Orekoya, and Abraham Omotoso. These leaders also invited young Prophet Joseph Ayo Babalola to attend the meeting with them. This was on his coming back from the first meeting he held with Faith Tabernacle leaders in Lagos.

They had 24 items on their agenda for discussion. The first that was dealt with was whether or not polygamists should be immersed in water baptism. The second was on divine healing. Having cleared issues on number one, they were on number two when they heard the cries and weeping of some people over a dead person. Prophet Joseph Babalola was moved by God to go out, and he requested the dead body to be brought to him. He prayed fervently in the name of Jesus Christ, and the dead young man rose up. The atmosphere was immediately charged with the great news. Not only did the meeting come to an abrupt end, but that miracle ushered in a new era and the 1930 revival was born. Immediately the news spread like wild fire. People began to bring their sick ones, and instant healings and miracles resulted. Over a million people all over the country witnessed the scene at Oke-Ooye in Ilesha in 1930 and a revival followed.

Many people from all walks of life came to witness the Holy Ghost revival conducted by Prophet Joseph Ayo Babalola. Nowhere else was it recorded in the history of the country that great crowds of such magnitude gathered in this nation politically or otherwise. This great evangelistic crusade attracted people from many different African countries as well as some parts of Europe. It was the first open challenge and assault against the forces of evil since the inception of the nation called Nigeria. The gospel of Jesus Christ was preached with the full benefits- spiritually and physically as it was written in the book of Psalm 103:2-4 which says, ”Bless the Lord O my soul. And forget not all his benefits; who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies.”

As Prophet Joseph Ayo Babalola opened his mouth using the name Jesus, all the benefits outlined above in Psalm 103:2-4 were instantly given to those who were in attendance who were previously oppressed by the devil. This was very similar to the New Testament Bible records about the miracles and healings by Jesus Christ our Lord, such as in Matthew 8:16, 17. It took great courage, boldness and faith to challenge successfully the whole kingdom of Satan publicly. Millions sang the song of praise to God, publicly denouncing the names of wizards and witches, and outstanding miracles and healings were received instantly and freely. In the afternoon, it was reported that great and plentiful dews were falling on the multitude of people waiting to receive blessing of deliverance and healings. It was also reported by Pa. Medaiyese, that all the bushes around were trampled upon by the great crowd, and even the stream of Aayo nearby was dried by them.

To crown it all, it was reported that many strange heavenly beings were seen at the spot of Oke Ooye, the crusade site, and in many towns and villages, inviting people to come to Ilesha to receive blessings from the servant of the Lord. Many even thought that the world was going to an end as no one had ever witnessed such outstanding events of mighty miracles and healing before.